I love this app and would give it 5 stars except for a few big things.
1) notifications simply dont work. (Yes I have turned on, even the faster notifications option) let me clarify, notifications show up while your in the app(badge in menu bar but no sound or banner to tell you) but if you leave the app you must keep manually checking to see if you have new notifications. The app doesnt tell you once you close it.
2) annoying that you must go all the way back to the top of your feed to see menu bar. (To see notifications that the app doesnt alert you of).
3) theres a bug where if you make a status update and click more to select "watching", once you select what your watching and hit post you must then hit the back button a few times and then your returned to the status update screen where you must hit cancel. (This is all after having posted the update). Why not just automatically take me back to the news feed after I post my status?
I do love this app a lot and if these issues I mentioned would be fixed this would be my one and only Facebook app. Unfortunately it seems the developers arent working on the app anymore. Please continue developing this app, I even bought the paid app, and purchased the in app ad blocking in the free app. Thats how much I love this app. It just needs some polishing.
Ytseman about Friendly Plus Social Browser